Friday, January 17, 2020


1. Who's here?

  • attendance
  • write down and turn in:
    • name
    • # previous philosophy classes
    • sports you play/watch/care about

2. Getting in the mood for the ethics of sport

  • Do you play or watch a sport? What sport?
  • Because you play/watch that sport, have philosophical or ethical questions occurred to you? What questions?
3. Topics we'll explore in this course--see syllabus schedule

4. Logistics--see first two pages of syllabus
  • attendance required--read policy carefully
  • access online syllabus before every class--Canvas or here
5. Reading and RR for next time
  • Bernard Suits, "The Elements of Sport"
  • reading philosophy is sometimes hard
  • active reading
      • learner mode
      • supporter mode
      • critic mode