Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Team 4, Hockey

Nicholas Dixon, "A Critique of Violent Retaliation in Sport"

Fairness Issues


  1. There are no more readings or RRs this week, but the readings for Monday are longer than usual.  You might want to get started this week.
  2. I will send a message to Teams 5 and 6 pretty soon, so we can meet and discuss your presentations.


Murray, chapter 5

Sports and Fairness (according to Murray)
  1. Some sports issues are ethical, but not about fairness; they have to do with "what sport values" (natural talent, dedication courage)
    • Doping
  2. Some sports issues involve fairness/unfairness in a non-ethical sense
    • Norwegians have an unfair advantage over Ethiopians when it comes to skiing because of climate and geography.
    • Differences of opportunity due to differences of development and wealth (unearned advantages =/ unfair)
  3. Some sports issues involve ethical fairness/unfairness
    •  fairness in access to competition
      • if there were no Paralympics, it would be unfair to disabled athletes
      • racial discrimination forced black baseball players to play in so-called Negro Leagues 
    • fairness in competition
      • only fair to have same equipment
        • Nike vaporfly running shoes
        • light athletic wheelchairs in Paralympics
        • Pistorius's blades
      • all competitors must play by the same rules
      • referees should treat both sides in the same way
  4. Sports issue that involve both "what sport values" (natural talent, dedication, courage) and ethical fairness in access to competition and ethical fairness in competition
    • issues about gender
      • should women compete separately from men?
      • should intersex women compete as women?
      • should trans women compete as women?
Next time (Friday): background about gender and sport

Next week
  1. Monday: Should there be separate women's sports?  
  2. Wednesday: Should intersex women be able to compete against other women, despite possibly having some physical advantages?
  3. Friday: Should trans women be able to compete against other women, despite possibly having some physical advantages?